Thriller Author Gregory Gunter Debuts His Unique Marketing Approach with Indiegogo!

GregandCCCoverGregory Gunther, like many of the authors I design for, is self-publishing his political thriller, The Cupola Collusion out of his own pocket and is doing so while incurring many costs. The industry is changing so fast, that most authors will be going this route as traditional publishers are forced to used their “tried and true” authors in order to guarantee sales. Greg has a strong marketing background so he is taking it on himself  in a startling upfront way with a company called INDIEGOGO. While many authors are quietly modest about their books, this is proving to result in modest sales! Too bad, because we might have wanted to read your masterpiece, but didn’t know about it! If Greg has his way, The Cupola Collusion will use all social media possible to unapologetically get the word out. I invite you to investigate!

Gregory Gunter’s Video and More at INDIEGOGO


As  designer for The Cupola Collusion, I had the professional privilege of reading key chapters in order to design the cover. It was a fascinating process as the setting of the book swung from the Vatican to Washington and I was surrounded by images of cupolas in both countries. One line in the book about “media choppers” approaching the White House was evocative of threats to the White House, a disturbing image, and I persuaded Greg let me use a tiny chopper image close to what would probably be a “no fly” zone of the White House cupola. We both loved the effect!

Greg wanted a rosary to bring in the Vatican connection and so I wrapped the rosary image around the cupola itself.  Greg liked the effect, but wanted a combat knife in the foreground (no clues for the story, you’ll have to read it!) so I reluctantly removed  the crucifix and replaced it with the knife. This was an edgy move, and I called the stock photo company to check as to whether it was OK. It was. Then my author wanted blood dripping from the knife and into the water. This is all congruent with the story, so this designer gulped and “plunged” ahead! 

Happily, the cover turned out to be a teaser of the exciting thriller that lies within the pages of the book!


October 6th Book Design Workshop: titles, images, and guests!

Just a short post to report on the October 6th workshop….

We hammered out new titles, worked with images for an effective cover design, and enjoyed the dynamic guest presentations. The writers discovered that a small change in title or image can make all the difference to the feel of the book.

The first was by the charming San Miguel resident, Gregory Gunter, author of The Cupola Collusion. Greg described the working relationship he and I had to create the cover for his forthcoming book. Greg is a very visual person and had a clear idea of the direction his cover need to go. It was a demanding but exciting process. The location of the book changed mid-stream and new images were called for!

Our next guest was the charismatic math teacher and infinite thinker, Steven Clark, who had us working with The Golden Section principle of design. We were back in kindergarten with colored construction paper and scissors, as we learned the magic of geometry. If you or your children want to experience the magic of math, contact Steven at


All in all, I think everyone came away with thought provoking design ideas and new inspiration for their writing projects. Above all…..

Ingrid, Steven and Bob in design mode



15 Secrets of Dynamic Book Cover Design for San Miguel Writers: Oct 6th and Oct 27th

After 3 very successful cover design workshops in San Miguel de Allende

Margot Boland is pleased to announce

15 Secrets of Dynamic Book Cover Design
A Workshop for Writers

Date: Saturday, OCTOBER 6, (over) & Saturday OCTOBER 27, 2012 

Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Where: Centro, directions upon registration

Who: The workshops are geared to writers who are self-publishing or those who need confidence when communicating with the design department of a traditional publisher. You will learn a vocabulary to express your point of view to the in-house designers and editors, and how to visualize the finished package you want for your self-published book. Learn common mistakes to avoid, and what makes a truly successful cover.


For the October 6th workshop, I am pleased to announce that well-known San Miguel resident, GREGORY GUNTER, author of  The Cupola Collusion, will join us during the break and give insight into the creative collaboration between author and designer. Greg and I worked together to create the cover of the book which was a successful marketing tool at a writer’s convention held in New York City in July.

For the October 27th workshop, San Miguel’s very own writing guru, EVA HUNTER, will join us in the break to discuss the cover design process for her upcoming memoir, A Little Mormon Girl. She will describe decisions we made with her title and how her own family photographs are the dramatic basis of the cover we are working on.

Of Note: The Lord of the Dolls: Voyage in Xochimilco, a literary nonfiction/art photography collaboration of Eva Hunter with photographer Jo Brenzo, is now considered a rare book, and has recently been added to the prestigious Benson Collection at the Center for Mexican American Studies, The University of Austin Libraries, Branch, University of Texas.

Cost: 300 p. 

Registration: Each workshop is limited to 6 people.
Early registration advised! 100p deposit required to hold your place!
Please call Margot 415 154 7173
or email me at  for more information