Announcing Fall Book Cover Design Workshops in San Miguel

How to Design Your Book Cover for Maximum Attention! Facilitated by Margot Boland.

Margot has taught graphic design at the university level and has been a professional book designer for many years, in both traditional publishing companies, and as a free-lance designer in the rapidly changing world of self- publishing. She is on the faculty of The San Miguel Writer’s Conference 2014.

This workshop is for all writers who are planning to self-publish, whether at the start of your writing project or on the verge of publishing with a traditional publisher. You will gain insights regarding what steps are necessary. You will work with your own ideas to visualize the finished package you are dreaming of for project. You will learn what common mistakes to avoid, and what makes a truly successful cover.

“One thing I can guarantee,” says Margot, “you will never look at a book cover the same way again.”

Note: Special guest for both workshops will be author and writing teacher, Eva Hunter, who will discuss the design process with Margot for her recently published memoir, A Little Mormon Girl.

Two Workshops Offered:

Saturday, October 26


Saturday, November 23

11 AM to 3 PM

Centro – Directions & more upon registration

$300 pesos

For more information or to register, call Margot Boland

415 154 7173

or e-mail:

Workshops are limited to six people: first come registration!

Book Design & More –

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