October 6th Book Design Workshop: titles, images, and guests!

Just a short post to report on the October 6th workshop….

We hammered out new titles, worked with images for an effective cover design, and enjoyed the dynamic guest presentations. The writers discovered that a small change in title or image can make all the difference to the feel of the book.

The first was by the charming San Miguel resident, Gregory Gunter, author of The Cupola Collusion. Greg described the working relationship he and I had to create the cover for his forthcoming book. Greg is a very visual person and had a clear idea of the direction his cover need to go. It was a demanding but exciting process. The location of the book changed mid-stream and new images were called for!

Our next guest was the charismatic math teacher and infinite thinker, Steven Clark, who had us working with The Golden Section principle of design. We were back in kindergarten with colored construction paper and scissors, as we learned the magic of geometry. If you or your children want to experience the magic of math, contact Steven at


All in all, I think everyone came away with thought provoking design ideas and new inspiration for their writing projects. Above all…..

Ingrid, Steven and Bob in design mode