“ALL ABOUT BOOK COVERS” for Salt Spring Island Writers

I’m pleased to announce a special event at the Salt Spring Island Library on January 25, 2017! This will be a discussion of the ins and outs of successful book cover design for writers who are self-publishing and also those who are working with a traditional publisher. We will be touching on such topics as:

• The importance of Your Title

• What makes a successful cover design in the new world of on-line marketing

• A few technical “musts” to avoid expensive and embarrassing disasters

• Design trends in book covers

• and more…!

If there is enough interest from the writers, I am prepared to offer more in-depth workshops where you will get to introduce your own writing project.

Announcing Fall Book Cover Design Workshops in San Miguel

How to Design Your Book Cover for Maximum Attention! Facilitated by Margot Boland.

Margot has taught graphic design at the university level and has been a professional book designer for many years, in both traditional publishing companies, and as a free-lance designer in the rapidly changing world of self- publishing. She is on the faculty of The San Miguel Writer’s Conference 2014.

This workshop is for all writers who are planning to self-publish, whether at the start of your writing project or on the verge of publishing with a traditional publisher. You will gain insights regarding what steps are necessary. You will work with your own ideas to visualize the finished package you are dreaming of for project. You will learn what common mistakes to avoid, and what makes a truly successful cover.

“One thing I can guarantee,” says Margot, “you will never look at a book cover the same way again.”

Note: Special guest for both workshops will be author and writing teacher, Eva Hunter, who will discuss the design process with Margot for her recently published memoir, A Little Mormon Girl.

Two Workshops Offered:

Saturday, October 26


Saturday, November 23

11 AM to 3 PM

Centro – Directions & more upon registration

$300 pesos

For more information or to register, call Margot Boland

415 154 7173

or e-mail:


Workshops are limited to six people: first come registration!

Book Design & More –


Become a Member TodayThe San Miguel Literary Sala is a not-for-profit organization made possible by the many  volunteers who work tirelessly to support the monthly author readings, Literary Festivals, and the annual San Miguel Writers’ Conference. Your membership supports these endeavors and the literary arts throughout the Americas.You can become a Member or update your membership HERE.


A Chapbook Cover Design for Libbe Dennard, San Miguel Author of “A Far Cry”

Libbe Dennard was referred to me by San Miguel poet and literary doyenne, Judyth Hill. Libbe has completed a chapbook – it is ready to send out to chapbook publishers and she wanted a cover design for the presentation manuscript that would showcase her title, compelling central image and hopefully get their attention! In her words:

“Libbe Dennard has submitted a small collection of poems called, “A Far Cry” to a US chapbook publishing house.  Her manuscript is now being reviewed with an eye toward publication. The poems relate to Libbe’s life journey. She feels that the poignant cover done by Margot Boland caught the eye of the editor. ” 

What is a chapbook?  

A chapbook is a small publication, usually poetry, which can be either printed inexpensively or lavishly, but are almost always produced in a limited quantity, adding to their rarity.

Margot’s Design Notes:

When Libbe asked me to work on her cover, she had an image in mind – it was a jpg of an old photograph of herself as a very small child. The photo was a bit damaged, and it was not in the correct resolution for eventual printing, but the image itself was perfect for the poignant and personal quality of Libbe’s writing. After cleaning up the photo and having it rescanned at a higher resolution, it was ready to have a couple of Photoshop filters applied. I chose a calm, warm taupe for the background colour and as Libbe had specified a Baskerville font for the interior of the book, I used Baskerville for the cover typography. It worked! Here is Libbe’s cover design, created to capture the attention of a chapbook publisher.

Yours in design,


"A Far Cry" Cover

“A Far Cry” Cover

The Cupola Collusion now available in eBook format!


I’ve been working with San Miguel Author, GREGORY GUNTER to design both the print cover and the eBook cover for his dark and dangerous political thriller, The Cupola Collusion. The cover image chosen was the domed Capitol Building in Washinton as the sun is setting, casting golden reflections on the Potomac River at the base.

A military chopper hovers ominously close to the cupola, suggesting supreme danger in what is normally a “no-fly” zone. I won’t tell you what the “collusion” is, except it involves interaction between the U.S. and the Vatican. A rosary chokes the neck of the building and is foreshortened into the foreground of the cover. But don’t expect a crucifix on this rosary! Greg asked me to attach a terrorist combat knife instead (major Photoshop feat!) and this knife has been used for dire purposes as blood drips off of the point of the knife and into the golden water.

This cover design has a formal feel which is challenged by the knife and the blood, not to mention the chopper. The reader ought to get the message that all is not well in the state of the nation, and when you read this thriller, you will find out why!

The Cupola Collusion eBook cover

The Cupola Collusion eBook cover


This is an exciting read and can be downloaded from Amazon!



Yours in design,





LAUNCHING WRITER.LY “where writers will begin the publishing journey” – a totally unique online marketplace for writers, editors, designers, and web builders…

ABIGAIL CARTER & KELSYE NELSONBusiness Parters of Writer.ly

Business Parters of Writer.ly

Writer Abigail Carter and business partner Kelsye Nelson have announced the exciting launch of an unique service for writers! Writer.ly is an online marketplace for writers where they can post jobs and then receive bids from the editors, book designers, website builders and anyone else they might need to get their work published.


“The Cupola Collusion” by San Miguel Author Greg Gunter! Cover Design by Margot Boland

The Cupola Collusion cover design by Margot BolandWhen he stumbles across a deadly international plot to finance the President’s re-election, freshly minted FBI agent Rich Weller is soon running for his life in this gripping novel that proves “chillingly plausible—a page-turning debut!”

Tea party splinter group The Loyalists, funded by billionaire industrialists the Creel brothers, control a network of the nation’s one-percenters dedicated to puppeteering the Presidency… and his Supreme Court. When they team with the largest superpower in the world, one rule reigns supreme: all exposure risks must be terminated. And that task falls to an ex-Delta commando who relishes the wet work such a job requires. Rich soon finds himself the unwilling protector of Presidential campaign fund manager Cari Oakes, but will they survive the unmasking of the Creel’s partnership?

The Cupola Collusion author Gregory Gunter earned his MBA in finance, first garnering insight into the world of financial corruption—and hidden political connections—while cleaning up the S&L debacle for many Wall Street firms that no longer exist today. He lives in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Gregory Gunter

For more information contact the author at Greg@GregoryGunter.com

Book Cover Design Workshop for Writers – Squamish, BC

I have recently moved to beautiful Squamish, BC, and I know there are many writers here who are hopeful to either self publish, or work with a traditional publisher. The world of publishing is changing very quickly, and there are many more options for a writer to be published than have ever existed before! But you may need some help with the direction of your visuals and I can help you avoid mistakes and achieve much more success with your cover design. Therefore I am pleased to announce that the first Cover Design Workshop for Writers will be held in Squamish!

Date: Saturday, July 21, 2012 from 10 am to 1 pm.

Location: downtown Squamish, directions upon registration at

Registration: please email


for registration details.

Writers attending the workshop are asked to bring their “working title” of the project they are considering. I will assist in “tweaking” the title typographically for maximum impact on a cover. In the workshop I will provide you with basic “do’s” and “don’ts” and will help you visualize your publishing project and get you excited about it! Authors have told me that
the workshop has helped them to change the direction of the project and even helped them to get over “writer’s block”!

All participants of the workshop will be asked to bring a book cover they like and one they dislike – this is an interesting exercise and will teach you to discriminate!

I hope you will be able to attend. Please sign up soon as the workshop is limited to 4 writers.   Cost: $50 per 3 hour workshop

Beautiful Use of Typography in Book Cover Design

Book Covers
Using Interesting

This link will take you to a stunning collection of book covers
that use typography as the main event. My classes stress
legibility and it is worth looking at these covers to
understand their dramatic visual impact.

NOTE: This usually takes an experienced designer to pull it off.
However, everyone can become aware of how useful this
is when an illustration or photograph is unavailable.