Book Cover Design Workshop for Writers – Squamish, BC

I have recently moved to beautiful Squamish, BC, and I know there are many writers here who are hopeful to either self publish, or work with a traditional publisher. The world of publishing is changing very quickly, and there are many more options for a writer to be published than have ever existed before! But you may need some help with the direction of your visuals and I can help you avoid mistakes and achieve much more success with your cover design. Therefore I am pleased to announce that the first Cover Design Workshop for Writers will be held in Squamish!

Date: Saturday, July 21, 2012 from 10 am to 1 pm.

Location: downtown Squamish, directions upon registration at

Registration: please email

for registration details.

Writers attending the workshop are asked to bring their “working title” of the project they are considering. I will assist in “tweaking” the title typographically for maximum impact on a cover. In the workshop I will provide you with basic “do’s” and “don’ts” and will help you visualize your publishing project and get you excited about it! Authors have told me that
the workshop has helped them to change the direction of the project and even helped them to get over “writer’s block”!

All participants of the workshop will be asked to bring a book cover they like and one they dislike – this is an interesting exercise and will teach you to discriminate!

I hope you will be able to attend. Please sign up soon as the workshop is limited to 4 writers.   Cost: $50 per 3 hour workshop

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